  1. Arielle Weisman's public profile
Personal information
Arielle Weisman
 Username: aweisman
 Location: No location provided
 Website: No website provided
 Profession: No profession provided
    No languages provided
No overview information provided
Photos - 0 Album(s)
Recent Activity
 Arielle Weisman and Miko the Kitty are now munduswits.
Became munduswits on 2012-08-06 14:27:28
Miko the Kitty: "Welcome Arielle to Munduslingua, the network for the promotion of culture, language and tourism worldwide. My name is Miko from the Munduslingua Team and I am here to support you in case you have questions on how to use the various applications within Munduslingua. I invite you to join the group for your country in order to help us promote it. Here you can share links to other websites, embed Youtube/Vimeo videos, record and publish voice messages and much more. Thank you for joining the first Cultural Network."
Written on 2012-08-06 14:30:37
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Arielle Weisman's Munduswits
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