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chloe c
 Username: chloe
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 chloe c uploaded a new video.
The False Friends of a Translator |English- Swedish|
We call 'false friends' the words that look similar in two languages but actually have different meanings.
 Uploaded on 2013-05-05 01:48:34
Miko the Kitty: "These false friends are are so common in related languages. Beware of how you use them :) Thanks Chloe!"
Written on 2013-05-05 12:01:31
 chloe c uploaded a new video.
Idioms- Expresii Idiomatice | Learn Romanian |
These are the idioms that we often use both in the English and Romanian languages. Note that i have found the equivalents and some of them do not translate e...
 Uploaded on 2013-04-30 09:42:06
 chloe c uploaded a new video.
|Learn Romanian| Lunile anului și anotimpuri- The months and the seasons of the year
No description provided
 Uploaded on 2013-04-30 09:39:33
 chloe c uploaded a new video.
Culori- Colors |Learn Romanian|
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 Uploaded on 2013-04-30 09:37:17
 chloe c uploaded a new video.
Framintari de limba- Tongue Twisters
10 frămîntări de limbă. Ascultați și repetați :)
 Uploaded on 2013-04-27 11:05:21
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Cali, Colombia
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