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Munduslingua – Culture: Russian Old New Year

The use of the Julian calendar by the Russian Orthodox Church instead of the Gregorian calendar used by most countries on the planet, explains why many Russians still celebrate the Old New Year on January 14. The Julian calendar, the predecessor of the Gregorian calendar, introduces a small error each year that over the centuries has amounted to 13 days compared to the Gregorian.

Despite Russians widely celebrating the New Year on January 1, The Old New Year (Russian: Старый Новый год) is still informally observed throughout the country although to a lesser extent. The Old New Year is enjoyed by many Russians today and ends the New Year holiday cycle. For many it’s a nostalgic family holiday where large meals, singing and dancing the night away are part of the traditions.  
Updated on 2014-01-13 14:19:17
Yulia Markova: "Yes )) not so many people celebrate it but yes. In Russia we have many holidays. Seems like some people just like to use any oppotunity to spend time together, celebrating with family or with friends"
Written on 2014-01-15 12:08:40