  1. Donka Aleksandrova's public profile
Personal information
Donka Aleksandrova
Rating: 100%
 Username: mnemozine
 Location: Shoumen, Bulgaria
 Website: No website provided
 Profession: Translator and Interpreter
  • Native: Bulgarian
  • Second: English-UK
As a Project Coordinator and Translator for a major, international, infrastructural project I was able to develop good organisational and management skills that enable me to master adequately various situations. My expertise in the English language, the training and experience that I have in intercultural communication have provided for the maintenance of continuous and well-functioning communication between the parties involved in the project. The above mentioned project was successfully completed in August 2011, and presently I work at the International Relations and Projects Centre with Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shoumen. This workplace ensures a diverse multicultural environment in which I am able to additionally improve my skills a

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 Donka Aleksandrova joined a new group. View
Bulgaria - Mundusgroup for Bulgaria
Joined on 2012-07-06 23:41:08
 Donka Aleksandrova and Miko the Kitty are now munduswits.
Became munduswits on 2012-05-26 04:11:04
Miko the Kitty: "Welcome Donka. My name is Miko and I am here to support you in case you have questions or require assistance."
Written on 2012-05-26 05:34:56
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